


2023年7月,学校《基于数字工场的“政校行企”多元协同数字化人才培养模式的创新与实践》荣获国家级教学成果一等奖。In July 2023, "Innovation and Practice of Digital Talent Cultivation Mode of Multi-dimensional Collaboration between Government, University, and Industry Based on Digital Workshop" won the First Prize of National Teaching Achievements.


2022年9月,学校全日制在校生人数突破2万人。In September 2022, full-time enrollment surpassed 20,000 students


2021年,博川校区落成并投入使用,迎来首批新生。大学科技园二期竣工落成。In 2021, Bochuan Campus was completed and put into use, welcoming the first batch of freshmen.DNUI Science Park Site II was completed.


2012年7月,学校成为CDIO国际合作组织正式成员。In July 2012, DNUI was admitted as a full member of CDIO, an international organization of engineering education.


2009年5月,举行“金沙集团186cc”揭牌仪式,向建设具有显著行业特色和创新创业教育特色的高水平应用技术大学目标又迈出重要一步。In May 2009, the inauguration ceremony of Dalian Neusoft University of Information was held, which was another important step toward the goal of becoming a high-level applied university with distinctive industrial characteristics, and innovative and entrepreneurial education.


2008年9月,经教育部批准,转设为独立设置的普通本科高校——金沙集团186cc,成为全国首批转设的4所独立学院之一。学校开始探索实施TOPCARES教育教学改革。In September 2008, approved by the Ministry of Education, Dalian Neusoft University of Information (DNUI) was transformed into an independent general undergraduate college, becoming one of the first four independent colleges in China. The school began to explore the implementation of TOPCARES education and teaching reform.


2006年6月,学校成为东北大学软件工程硕士大连教学点,全流程开展工程硕士教育。In June 2006, as the Dalian teaching center of Northeastern University, the school started to offer the whole process education of Master of Software Engineering.


2005年9月, 学校《创新型IT职业人才培养模式的探索与实践》获得第五届高等教育国家级教学成果一等奖。In September 2005, “Exploration and Practice of Innovative IT Vocational Talent Cultivation Mode” won the First Prize of the Fifth National Teaching Achievements of Higher Education.


2004年4月,经教育部批准,成为东北大学独立学院——东北大学东软信息学院,开展全日制本科教育。In April 2004, approved by the Ministry of Education, Neusoft Institute of Information became an independent college of Northeastern University to provide full-time undergraduate education.


2001年7月,经辽宁省政府批准,大连东方信息技术研修学院转制为大连东软信息技术职业学院,开展高职专科教育。2001年9月,首批1500名学生入学。In July 2001, with the approval of the People’s Government of Liaoning Province, Dalian Orient Institute of Information Technology was transformed into Dalian Neusoft Vocational College of Information Technology to carry out higher vocational education. In September 2001, the first 1,500 students were enrolled.


2000年6月,经辽宁省教育厅批准,成立大连东方信息技术研修学院,并成为东北大学网络教育学院大连分院,开展网络本科教育。In June 2000, approved by the Department of Education of Liaoning Province, Dalian Orient Institute of Information Technology was established and became the Online Education College of Northeastern University (Dalian) to carry out online undergraduate education.


2000年建校前,这里是一片荒芜的土地。Prior to the year 2000, the area where the University is located now, had been an area covered with some fruit trees and bushes.

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